@unpublished{uninimx2547, title = {Action Research for Implementing Movie-Based Communicative Tasks for Improving the Speaking Skills in an 11th Grade High School B1 EFL Class in Colombia}, author = {Maricela Guzm{\'a}n Murcia}, month = {Junio}, year = {2022}, keywords = {research, movie, communicative tasks, improving speaking}, abstract = {The objective of this work is to develop an action research for the implementation of Communicative Tasks Based on Films (Didactic Unit of Communicative Tasks) DUCT to improve oral skills in an EFL B1 class of 11th grade at Claretiano school in Colombia, taking into account that oral skills (listening / speaking) are the greatest importance in the proccess of learning a second language in any context of the world. The research is based on the qualitative approach, and corresponds to the design of action research, which was carried out with a population of fifteen students of the 11th grade of the Claretian school of the city of Neiva Colombia. Observation, survey and interview were used as the main data collection technique, and as instruments Anecdotal record, Diagnostic test, Questionnaire (Pre-test) Interview, Didactic Unit of the Communicative Task and Questionnaire (post-test), with the use of these instruments it was possible to make the diagnosis of the students of grade 11, demonstrate the level of comprehension and oral production of English before and after the use of films. Visualize the progress of students with the implementation of films for the teaching of English according to the perception of the teacher and the general assessment of the application of films in the teaching of English. After evaluating the results of this research proposal we can conclude that the use of films in the teaching of a second language should be considered as an excellent audiovisual technological tool that strengthens the ability of listening and oral production taking into account that they are used properly, and contextualized around the aspects of the language in order to strengthen and optimize it; The use of this resource showed that it can not only contribute to the improvement of listening and speech comprehension, but also of all language skills, expanding its vocabulary and gaining some fluency in oral expression.With the use of films in the teaching of English it was shown that it not only contributes to the development of listening and oral comprehension, but also of all linguistic skills, taking into account that it helps us to expand vocabulary and gain some fluency in oral expression.}, url = {http://repositorio.unini.edu.mx/id/eprint/2547/} }