Materias > Ingeniería
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Artículos y libros
The collection of water is proposed from the design of
contour borders and half moons, green infrastructure
measures, to reduce surface runoff and increase the
availability of water for vegetation. The contour and
crescent ridges have land ridges with a trapezoidal section,
which follow the contour lines, to compartmentalize the
slope into smaller hydrological units, the ends of which are
located on contour lines. With the data of maximum
rainfall every 24 hours and parameters of Gumbel's Law
modified, the equations of maximum daily rainfall height
(hdT), rainfall height for a duration ´´t´´ (htT), and the
Intensity Duration Frequency curve (ItT), for a duration of
t <2h. Then considering the values of basic infiltration,
vegetation cover, soil type and hydrological condition, the
curve numbers were determined for different soil moisture
conditions, later the separation length (L) between the Half
Moons, and the borders was calculated. in contour, which
were designed by means of 10 configurations between
diameter and height, for the two infrastructures, being in
Copacabana Valle, the greatest separation distance.
Schmidt-Gomez, Armando; Olivares-Ramírez, Juan Manuel; Ferriol-Sánchez, Fermín y Marroquín-De Jesús, Ángel
Design of edges in contour and half moons from edaphoclimatic parameters, for the endorrheic basin of lagunas de tajzara - ramsar site 1030.
Journal of Research and Development, 7 (19).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2444-4987