@article{uninimx5335, volume = {47}, journal = {Journal of Medical Systems}, year = {2022}, author = {Isabel Herrera Montano and Elena Presencio Lafuente and Jose Bre{\~n}osa and Arturo Ortega-Mansilla and Isabel de la Torre D{\'i}ez and Mar{\'i}a Lourdes Del R{\'i}o-Sol{\'a}}, month = {Diciembre}, title = {Correction to: Systematic Review of Telemedicine and eHealth Systems Applied to Vascular Surgery}, number = {1}, keywords = {correction}, url = {http://repositorio.unini.edu.mx/id/eprint/5335/}, abstract = {The authors have requested to update the original publication of this article. Duplicate text in the second and third paragraphs of page 5 should be deleted. Acknowledgments section should be removed. The original article has been corrected.} }