%R doi:10.23850/24220582.5211 %V 9 %K bioplastics, package, starch, collagen, mechanical properties, cassava, essential oil, fish scale %X The development of biodegradable materials arises as an alternative to reduce the pollution caused by plastic waste to the environment, with this premise this study was proposed to develop plastic biopolymers from bioactive compounds with different matrices modified cassava starch (5 – 12 %), fish scale collagen (10 – 40 %), lemon essential oil (0,5 - 1,5 %) and gelatinization temperature (70 – 80 °C); A Box Behnken response surface experimental design was used; with the determination of their mechanical properties (maximum stress, Young's modulus, shear strength, stress at break and percentage elongation at break). According to the results found, it was determined that the modified cassava starch had the greatest influence on the mechanical properties, taking into account its importance to create more resistant materials, but it evidences plasticizing difficulties, where the fish scale collagen has a significant influence. In addition, it is evidenced that lemon essential oil had a great influence on Young's modulus (46,28 ± 2,31 MPa) and the percentage of elongation (69,69 ± 2,16 %); while the gelatinization temperature of 80 °C is not recommended for this type of starch-protein matrices due to damage of the structure; determining a better mechanical resistance and a great increase of Young's modulus. In conclusion, the characteristics and performance of the film based on cassava starch, collagen flakes and lemon essential oil have a positive impact on the maximum level of mechanical efficiency of the biodegradable films, achieving a better performance in their mechanical properties. %T Evaluation of mechanical properties of matrices derived from fish scale collagen %N 2 %P 119-129 %L uninimx6173 %D 2022 %J Revista Colombiana de Investigaciones Agroindustriales %A Juan Manuel Sánchez Soto %A Ruth López-Alcántara %A Andrea del Pilar Sánchez-González %A Eyleen Jeniffer Torres-Mendoza